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When thinking about preparing for an estate sale, you will find endless articles online telling you what to throw away, what items charities no longer want, or what collectibles are no longer valuable.

Here are three reasons why you should ignore them.

  1. Markets constantly shift. The value of some estate sale items increase over time. However, the opposite is true as well. But just because the record market is hot does not mean that every record has value. At the same time, just because the collector plate market is cold does not mean that all plates are worthless. A good estate sale company will take the time to evaluate all your possessions and identify the hidden treasures.

  2. People buy almost anything. Pickers, resellers, and estate sale regulars will buy literally anything. We have sold empty boxes, broken tools and even rocks. The list of unsellable items in reality is very small, and even then there are exceptions. For example, huge entertainment centers usually end up on the curb in pieces. But it only takes one person to turn your landfill into earnings. A good estate sale company displays every potential sale item in order to find that one buyer.

  3. When to throw things away. Before your sale you will throw some things away, such as expired food and old personal records. But don't discard things before meeting with your estate sale consultant first. We have seen it all and will not be shocked by mystery piles, storage closet disarray or garage chaos. A good estate sale company treats everything as potentially sellable, from piles of newspapers and bags of pens to that hideous piece of art or decor you have always hated.

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Welcome to Lolly & Pop's blog, Estate Sailing! Through this blog, Jody and Jeff will explore behind the scenes aspects of the estate sale community, from best practices to the ever-changing markets for collectibles. We hope to provide you with food for thought and insights into the fascinating world of estate sales.

We love organizing and running estate sales for many reasons. We enjoy helping people through what is often a stressful time in their lives. We like meeting people who share our interests of collecting, repurposing, and learning.

Much of the enjoyment, however, comes from the hunt. Nothing satisfies us more than finding that one gem in the pile of ordinary items. Over the years, we have learned that the hunt provides far more pleasure than the actual acquisition.

We hope you will stay tuned, and perhaps suggest future topics!

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